[엄마 영문법] 현재분사-과거분사는 형용사

서 기찬 / 기사승인 : 2015-01-07 14:21:18
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영어1현재분사(p)와 과거 분사(pp)

Jin told to her friends, "I can see that we have to do something about Piggy but let's go a little further. When we had jaguars and puma, pigs were nothing. I think we have to figure out what or who started this. It is people. Since people came here, everything began to change. This change is definitely related to people. We know very little about them. It seems to be our problem. We should learn about them first. Piggy is too strong as a pig and she knows something we do not know. I think she is stronger than us because of the information she got." Sis and Jason could see what Jin meant. Rabbi said, "I am with Jin. She is right. We had better start all over again."

Sis told everyone, " Then let's go and find Jin's mom first. Now she is with people. If we find her we can find something about people too. Now we do not know where she is but she is in town anyway. Let's go and we can get some more information on our way." Jason agreed. "All right let's go then. The town is pretty far from here. It takes a week for chicks. So we need to be prepared for this long journey. Jin you need to carry your food. We can find something to eat on the way but you can't. So let's find eucalyptus first." Jin felt sorry to her friends who were rushing to the forest for her, but food was not a thing she could do anything about.

But at the moment, Jin came up with an idea. "Hey my mom can eat eucalyptus only just like me. She can not be so far from the forest. People need to feed her."

"She is right. It is not the town. It is close to the forest." Sis said, "People have cars which are running super fast. They don't have to stay close to the forest." "What are those cars?" Everyone asked Sis. Sis answered, " I saw them several times. People were in the cars which were going so fast. I was almost hit by the cars. It made noisy sound too. Now I can recognize the sound they make. Cars were much faster and stronger than jaguars. They never need rest.

Jason said, "I know what they are. I saw one when I was on the farm. It is not a thing which is alive. It was made by people. People have things which are called machine. Machine works for people but it does not eat or sleep. Usually it makes some noise when it works. Rabbi said, "I think I saw one in the forest. I saw a long and sharp machine which was cutting down trees."

People have cars which are running super fast.

People have things which are called machine.

I saw a long and sharp machine which was cutting down trees.

위의 세 문장에서 푸른색 부분은 모두 형용사절입니다. 즉 ‘달리고 있는/ 불리우는/ 자르고 있던’이라고 해석하게 됩니다. 그런대 현재 진행형과 수동태는 모두 be 동사를 이용한 동사의 형태입니다. 그렇다면 이런 표현에 be 동사가 쓰이는 이유에 대해 생각해 볼 필요가 있을 것 같습니다. 아래의 문장들을 살펴봅시다.

A car is running. 자동차는 달리고 있다.
A car is fast. 자동차는 빠르다.
A car is made by people. 자동차는 사람에 의해 만들어졌다.

be 동사가 형용사와 결합할 때의 의미는 ‘형용사이다’ 혹은 ‘형용사다’ 입니다. 즉 be 동사는 형용사와 연결되어 하나의 표현을 완성하고 이렇게 형용사와 be 동사가 연결되면 그것은 주어의 상태를 말하게 됩니다. 형용사라는 말 자체가 명사에 대한 설명이기 때문입니다. 그렇다면 진행형과 수동태에서 be 동사와 결합한 ving 와 pp 는 어떨까요? 주어 + be 의 문장에서 be 동사 다음에 올 수 있는 것은 명사와 형용사 뿐입니다. 명사가 온다면 I am a woman. 과 같은 식으로 주어와 명사는 동일한 존재라는 표현입니다. 형용사가 온다면 주어의 상태를 말하게 됩니다. I am happy.

그렇다면 진행형의 ving 와 수동태의 pp 도 결국 명사이거나 형용사 둘 중 하나의 역할을 한다고 볼 수 밖에 없습니다. 그렇다면 ving 와 pp 는 주어와 같은 존재일까요? 주어의 상태일까요? ving 와 pp 가 주어와 같은 존재인 명사일 수는 절대로 없기 때문에 그렇다면 나머지 하나 즉 상태를 나타낸다고 할 수 밖에 없습니다. 그런대 일반적인 형용사로 표현한 문장과는 좀 다르다는 생각이 들기도 합니다. ‘상태’ 라는 것이 어떤 표현인가라는 이해에는 문화적인 차이가 있는 걸까요? 그렇다면 수동태에서 가장 흔하게 쓰이는 감정표현은 어떨까요? 감정 표현은 주어의 상태라는 주장에 딱 들어맞습니다.

결론적으로 진행형의 ving 와 수동태의 pp는 1) 절대 주어와 동일한 명사일 수는 없고 어감은 조금 다르지만, 2) 어감이라는 것은 지극히 주관적인 것이므로 문화에 따라 다를 수 있고, 3) 감정표현의 경우 상태라는 말과 딱 맞아 떨어지므로 이 정도라면 충분히 형용사라고 할 수 있겠습니다. 결론적으로 영어에서는 이 둘을 형용사로 분류하고 있습니다.

그러면 맨 위에 세 문장으로 다시 돌아가 봅시다. 위의 세 문장 모두 형용사 절이 있는 대 주격관계대명사 + 진행형 / 수동태입니다. 그렇다면 형용사절 안에 또 형용사 역할을 하는 ving 와 pp 가 있고 결국 같은 역할의 중복이므로 진행형과 수동태에서 반복되고 있는 ‘주격관계대명사과 be 동사는 생략할 수 있다’ 는 결론에 도달하게 됩니다. 보통 주어 역할을 하는 관계대명사는 생략할 수 없지만 진행형과 수동태만은 예외입니다. 그러므로

People have cars running super fast.

People have things called machine.

I saw a long and sharp machine cutting down trees.

로 쓸 수 있습니다. 즉 ving 는 능동의 의미를 지닌 형용사로, pp는 수동의 의미를 지닌 형용사로 명사를 수식할 수 있고 경우에 따라 명사의 앞, 혹은 뒤에 올 수 있습니다.

1) I want a new washing machine. (ving 뿐이라면 명사 앞에도 가능)
I want a new machine washing 100 plates at a time. ( ving 역시 동사에서 생겨났기 때문에 목적어를 가지고 있는 경우가 많습니다. 이럴 땐 명사 뒤에 있어야합니다. )

2) be 동사와 결합하여 진행형이 아닌 일반적인 형용사와 똑같이 쓰일 수 있습니다.

Elementary school students are very understanding. (이해심이 많은 / 진행형이 아닙니다. understand 는 진행형이 불가능한 동사입니다.)

3) 감정표현의 pp도 마찬가지로 일반적인 형용사처럼 말합니다.

I was pleased. ( 나는 기뻐졌다라고 해석하지 않고, 기쁘다고 해석합니다.)

4) 감정표현의 pp

감정을 표현하는 말들은 대부분 be+pp 로 이루어져있습니다. 즉 수동태입니다. 왜 그럴까요? 우리말은 감정을 갖는 존재는 나 즉 주어라는 점에 중심을 두기 때문에 주어가 동사한다는 느낌이 강합니다. ‘그녀는 나에게 크게 분노하고 있었다.’ 라는 식입니다. 하지만 영어는 감정은 자신의 의지가 아니라 외부의 요인에서 생겨난다는 점에 초점을 두고 있습니다. 즉 자신의 감정은 자기 통제하는 것이 아니라는 것입니다. 그 감정을 갖도록 만든 것은 때론 분명하고 때론 복잡하지만 결론은 ‘내 감정을 통제하는 것은 내가 아니다.’이므로 감정 표현은 형용사가 아니라면 수동태로 표현합니다.

I was surprised at his visit.

I am intrigued by the movie, interstellar.

She was totally exhausted.

따라서 감정 표현은 우리말과는 정반대의 관점이기 때문에 우리에겐 어려운 표현이고 우리가 감정이라고 생각하지 않은 ‘관심을 갖다’ ‘강한 호기심이 생기다’ 등도 영어에선 감정표현에 해당하므로 다양한 표현들을 외워야합니다. 또 한 가지, 감정표현으로 쓰이는 be+pp 는 절대로 무생물을 주어로 갖지 못합니다. p/pp 구분 문제를 풀 때 유용한 팁입니다.

*한걸음 더 ; ving 정리

진행형 - 반드시 be 동사와 함께 써야합니다. be 동사를 생략하는 경우는 없습니다.
동명사 - 주어/ 목적어/ 보어역할입니다.
분사 - 명사를 수식합니다.
부사절 줄여 쓰기 (분사구문) - 주절의 주어와 같은 주어로 이루어지는지 확인합니다.숨겨진 부사절의 접속사를 찾아야합니다. 절반정도가 동시에두 가지 동작을 하는 표현 즉 접속사 while입니다.

*한걸음 더2 :부사절 줄여쓰기의 ving 와 pp 복습

부사절의 주어가 주절의 주어와 같을 경우 부사절의 접속사와 주어를 생략할 수 있습니다.

While he was singing, he was so happy.
Singing, he was happy.

When the song was played, it made people happy.
Played, the song made people happy.

위의 예문을 보면 현재분사 과거분사와 같은 형태이므로 혼동할 수 있지만 형용사 역할을 하는 분사/ 과거분사와 생략된 부사절 접속사의 의미를 함께 담고 있는 부사절 줄여 쓰기는 절대로 똑같지 않습니다.
결국 문장을 해석할 때 동사의 변형이라 할 수 있는 ving. Pp. to R 의 역할과 의미를 찾는 것은 해석의 핵심이라 할 수 있습니다. 이 때 반드시 기억해야할 단 하나의 단서는 이 세 가지 모두 절대로 동사가 아니라는 점입니다.

문제1) 다음 이야기에서 틀린 부분을 모두 고치시오.

"Wait. We must not carry eucalyptus. Let's take the west path. West path is not very woody but I can spot a few eucalyptus tree there. Most of all, people take this way to get into the forest." Jason said. "It is because of the cars. They got stuck if there are many trees. Cars are fast and work hard but they are not as smart as animals. "Sis said.

"Then we can start right away. Let's move on! " Jin said. Jin and her friends Jason, Sis, and Rabbi started their journey. They were excited but worrid and a little scard. They did not know how to expect. It could be interesting or it could be terrifying. They did not know but they would keep going.

Sis and Rabbit were on the lead and it is almost noon. Jin was very tiring. She has been walked for 4hour. This way too much for a koala. Sis saw Jin and told her to stop to take a nap. At first Jin insisted not to have a break but soon she could not walk any further. Jason was very tired too. Though he could fly higher and longer than other chickens he could not walk or fly for long.

Jin fell asleep on a branch of big redwood. Jason perched beside her. Sis and Rabbi found a small hole under the root which was partly on the ground. Frankly speaking, Rabbi was afraid of Sis. Suddenly Sis talked to Jason, "Hey don't worry. I am a vegetarian." Jason stared at him and laughed. " No way. You can't be a vegetarian, but I can trust you. We are both friends of Jin's and we love her. " Now Rabbi and Sis fell asleep as well.

문제2) 다음 문장들에서 ving / pp / to R / R 중 적당한 표현을 쓰세요.

1. Sleep, Jason heard someone to come. Sis also felt something dark.

2. It was a sparrow. The sparrow said it was looked for Jason.

3. He is up there on the branch slept.

4. "I have came a long way. It was very exhausting trip from my place. " the sparrow

said and call Jason.

5. Its voice was so loud that not only Jason but also Jin were awake.

6. Jason recognized the sparrow right away. "Hey long time no see. Anything tell me?"

7. I have got very interest news of the missed koala. She is in a shelter now.

8. What is a shelter and where is it? A kind of hide place? Jin asked.

9. Wow you are pretty quick as a koala. Are you a daughter of the missing koala?

10. That is right. She is my mom. So please let me knowing. Where is the shelter?

11. I see. It is not very far from here. Actually I was from there. A chicken sent me tell you. He said Jason was his cousin.

12. It took me three days get here. So for you, a week maybe.

13. Jin was disappointing with it. It was not close. "Can you show us the way to the shelter? "

14. The sparrow answered. "Sure. That is why I came here. Help you. My name is Witty. Witty knows everything about people because I am lived in a town."

15. Witty began talk about the shelter.

16. A shelter is a place which was built by people. They knew they were destroyed the forest, which cause the animals lose their home.

17. So they are tried to move animals to the forest across the river.

18. And when they found a homeless animals, they took them to the shelter and let them to stay there until the move starts.

19." It is not very bad." Said Sis. He was interesting in people. He thought people were animals just like himself.

20. "But we have a problem here." Witty said. "They have another thing calling a zoo. When people put animals there they can never come out. They should be there till the day they die.

21. Why do people to keep animals in the zoo? Everyone asked.

22. It is for display. They put animals in a small room and other people come to the zoo seeing the animals.

23. Animals in the zoo are safe and feed, but they can never come out until theydie.

24. It is total crazy. People are disgusting.

25. "People are strange. Some helps but others hurts. They are interest." Jason said.

현재분사와 과거분사 해답

문제1) 다음 이야기에서 틀린 부분을 모두 고치시오.

"Wait. We don't have to carry eucalyptus. Let's take the west path. West path is not very woody but I can spot a few eucalyptus trees there. Most of all, people take this way to get into the forest." Jason said. "It is because of the cars. They got stuck if there are many trees. Cars are fast and work hard but they are not as smart as animals. " Sis said.

"Then we can start right away. Let's move on! " Jin said. Jin and her friends Jason,Sis, and Rabbi started their journey. They were excited but worried and a little scared. They did not know what to expect. It could be interesting or it could be terrifying. They did not know but they would keep going.

Sis and Rabbit were on the lead and it was almost noon. Jin was very tired. She has been walking for 4hours. This is way too much for a koala. Sis saw Jin and told her to stop taking a nap. At first Jin insisted to not have a break but soon she could not walk any farther. Jason was very tired too. Though he could fly higher and longer than other chicken he could not walk or fly for long.

Jin fell asleep on a branch of big redwood. Jason perched besides her. Sis and Rabbi found a small hole under the root which was partly up on the ground. Frank speaking, Rabbi was afraid by Sis. Suddenly Sis talked to Jason, "Hey don't worry. I am a vegetarian." Jason stared at him and laughed. " No way. You can't be a vegetarian, but I can trust you. We are both friends of Jin's and we love her. " Now Rabbi and Sis fell asleep as well.

문제2) 다음 문장들에서 ving / pp / to R / R 중 적당한 표현을 쓰세요.

1. Sleep, Jason heard someone come (coming). Sis also felt something dark.

2. It was a sparrow. The sparrow said it was looking for Jason.

3. He is up there on the branch sleeping.

4. "I have come a long way. It was very exhausting trip from my place. " the sparrowsaid and called Jason.

5. Its voice was so loud that not only Jason but also Jin were awake.

6. Jason recognized the sparrow right away. "Hey long time no see. Anything to tell me?"

7. I have got very interesting news of the missing koala. She is in shelter now.

8. What is a shelter and where is it? Jin asked.

9. Wow you are pretty quick as a koala. Are you a daughter of the missing koala?

10. That is right. She is my mom. So please let me know. Where is the shelter?

11. I see. It is not very far from here. Actually I was from there. A chicken sent me to tell you. He said Jason was his cousin.

12. It took me three days to get here. So for you, a week maybe.

13. Jin was disappointed with it. It was not close. "Can you show us the way to the shelter? "

14. The sparrow answered. "Sure. That is why I came here. To help you. My name is Witty. Witty knows everything about people because I am living in a town."

15. Witty began talking about the shelter.

16. A shelter is a place which was built by people. They knew they were destroying the forest, which cause the animals to lose their home.

17. So they are trying to move animals to the forest across the river.

18. And when they found a homeless animals, they took them to the shelter and let them stay there until the moving starts.

19." It is not very bad." Said Sis. He was interested in people. He thought people were animals just like himself.

20. "But we have a problem here." Witty said. "They have another thing called a zoo. When people put animals there they can never come out. They should be there till the day they die.

21. Why do people keep animals in the zoo? Everyone asked.

22. It is to display. They put animals in a small room and other people come to the zoo to see the animals.

23. Animals in the zoo are safe and fed, but they can never come out until they die.

24. It is totally crazy. People are disgusting.

25. "People are strange. Some help but others hurt. They are interesting." Jason said.

* 주부 김희진은?

- 수도여고, 한양대학교(신문방송학과)를 졸업했습니다. - 2002~2003년 캐나다 VCC(Vancouver Community College)에서 테솔 과정(TESOL certificate)을 수료하고 아들 영어 공부를 위해 ‘이야기 문법책’을 만들었습니다. - 궁금한 점이나 의문사항이 있으면khjhy85@hanmail.net으로 언제든지 연락주세요.

* 한스타 앱이 나왔습니다. 안드로이드 앱스토어에서 다운 받으세요^^

[저작권자ⓒ 한스타미디어. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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